The pastor identifies the Parish Pastoral Council and presides over the Council, which serves in an advisory capacity. The Parish Pastoral Council assists the pastor in promoting pastoral action/needs of the parish and responding appropriately. This is accomplished through prayer, listening and dialogue.
DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO – Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines.
The Pastoral Council should consist of a variety of parishioners to ensure all perspectives are considered in council recommendations. Council members are to serve a three-year term concurrent with the parish’s fiscal year except for the Parish staff representative that will serve as ex-officio. Member’s terms should be staggered to provide for continuity of membership. In addition, council members should not currently sit on any other Parish councils during their tenure to mitigate and potential conflict of interest. Ideally, each member should have a previous background in a Parish council.
Damon Thayer, Chair, [email protected] Fr. Sylvester Kwiatkowski, [email protected] Vickie Masterson, Co-Chair Johna Mullins Sam Cole Jude Saldago Chris Palileo Joseph Abriam Mike Franzwa Juan Trujano Christine Padilla