During this time, some may experience a need for Food and Utility Bill Assistance. In our area, Elk Grove Food Bank Services provide resources during COVID-19 Quarantine in conjunction with the City of Elk Grove. For more information, please contact Elk Grove
Food Bank Services directly or online:
9820 Dino Drive, Ste 140 - Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 685-8453 or http://www.elkgrovefoodbank.org/.
Hours: Monday - Friday: 10 am - 3 pm, Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm
Wellness Bag Program: Supplemental food program for the housebound with a medical condition preventing them from going to the Food Bank.
Pet Pantry: Dog and Cat food available for "furry" loved ones.
Utility Bill Assistance: 95624: PG&E and SMUD residence who need assistance provided by Community Development Block Grant /
City of Elk Grove.
California is providing one-time state-funded disaster relief assistance to undocumented adults who are ineligible for other forms of assistance. Visit https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/immigration/covid-19-drai for more information. Please call our designated county agency within our diocese:
Sacramento County
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF)
877-557-0521 https://www.crlaf.org/faq